What happens when there is no fear of pain or desire of pleasure? :) what if, an individual approaches the process as a regime and isn’t connected with the outcome? And hence, not looking to avoid pain or seek pleasure. Neutral !!!

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A person who doesn't operate on the axis of pain avoidance or pleasure seeking is often seen as someone with a high level of detachment or equanimity. This approach is actually quite powerful in various practices, such as mindfulness and stoicism. It allows for a focus on the process and the action itself, rather than being tied to the outcome. This can lead to a state of flow, where actions are performed for their own sake, and can result in high levels of satisfaction and performance.

A salesperson who approaches their job with a detached mindset may be less motivated by traditional incentives like meeting targets or earning commissions. While this can lead to a more consultative and less aggressive sales approach, which has its benefits, it might also result in a lack of urgency or competitiveness that is often needed to meet sales goals.

In a for gain employment roles, you are not just competing with yourself, but also with others who may have very different motivations. It's crucial for such individuals to find a balance that aligns their natural tendencies with the practical demands of their role to maintain both personal contentment and professional success.

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